What is my core message?

If I am going to blog regularly and often (which I am planning to do), I feel like there needs to be a point to it.

For example… if I am blogging publicly so people can read it… why would people be interested in what I have to say? What is it that I am trying to say?

Do I have a message I want to spread? Often it seems that influencers have one (or more) key messages and that’s why people keep coming back to them – because they want to hear that message again and again.

For example Jordan Peterson…

  • Is a professor of psychology
  • Has a story about how he became famous
  • Has a core message

I have none of that.

My claim to fame is that I can design a damn nice WordPress website. But even at that there are still many people who know more css tricks than me. I am pretty much a beginner at coding.

But one thing I have got damn good at (possibly better than just about anyone) – it is launching a business and getting it off to a quick start with IT configuration and social profiles and everything.

The reason I am good at that is because I have done it a million times.

So I guess my core message is… “(with regards to launching businesses) I know what I am doing”.

But there’s more to me that that isn’t there? For example my opinions on politics and culture. I have decided that neither Instagram or Facebook are for me. It seems to me that the main purpose for their existence is to make money for Mark Zuckerberg.

I have decided that I am going to focus on X. What I have noticed about X is that people blogging about their expertise don’t get much traction. It’s more about saying stuff that people agree with and want to hear (but that is also authentic to you).

So what do I believe? What do I want to say?

For one thing I believe in God… that he is the ultimate. And it offends me that people are so cavalier about not believing in him these days… I find it disgusting and disrespectful.

Another thing I believe is that men should be like men and women should be like women. I don’t like strong women – I find them unattractive. And I find guys who do like strong women to be pathetic.

So pretty much I believe what roughly half of the population believes in but that they have been shamed into silence about until recently.